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Role of proline metabolism in plants

Plants accumulate proline upon diverse stress conditions and in specific tissues. However, the role of its accumulations is still unclear. In this research line, we aim to understand its role as well as the role of the activation of its metabolism under stress conditions.

Keywords: Antioxidants, arabidopsis, abiotic stress, molecular modelling, NADP, osmolyte, proline, proteomic, P5CS, ROS and RNS.

F&PB related publications: Signorelli et al. 2013a, Signorelli et al. 2014, Signorelli et al. 2015, Signorelli et al. 2016, Signorelli 2016, Signorelli et al. 2017, Forlani et al. 2019, Trovato et al. 2019, Oh et al. 2021.

Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and their implication on biological processes of plants

Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species are able to modulate diverse biological process through interacting with signaling pathways of plants. In this research line we study their physical chemistry, their reactivity, their behavior under stress conditions and its implications on biological processes.

Keywords: Antioxidants, hipoxia, molecular modelling, nitric oxide, ROS, RNS, singlet oxygen and superoxide.

F&PB related publications: Signorelli et al. 2011, Bonanata et al. 2011, Signorelli et al. 2013b, Signorelli et al. 2013c, Signorelli et al. 2014, Signorelli et al. 2015, Signorelli et al. 2016, Considine et al. 2017, Signorelli et al. 2018a, Signorelli et al. 2019a, Signorelli et al. 2019b, Signorelli et al. 2020b; Tarkowski et al. (2022).

Effect of environmental stimuli on plant development

Light, oxygen, temperature, humidity and among other environmental variables regulate the developmental transitions in plants, from germination to senescence. This line of research studies the effects of these variables on plant development and aim to elucidate the biochemical and physiological mechanism triggering such effects. In addition, we study the role of autophagy in these developmental processes.

Keywords: Dormancy, germination, grapevine, hypoxia, light, oxygen, 

photomorphogenesis, post harvesting, quiescence, and vitis.

F&PB related publications: Considine et al. 2017, Velappan et al. 2017, Signorelli et al. 2018a, Meitha et al. 2018, Signorelli et al. 2018b, Janse van Rensburg et al. 2019, Signorelli et al. 2019c, Signorelli et al. 2020; Velappan et al. (2022a); Velappan et al. (2022b); Wijerathna-Yapa A et al. (2021); Signorelli et al. (2022).

Environmental stress responses in plants

Environmental stresses negatively affect plant growth and thus their productivity. This line of research studies the biochemical and physiological responses of plants to abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, cold, heat, and flooding. In addition, we study the rol of autophagy in the tolerance to abiotic stress.

Keywords: Arabidopsis, autophagy, chickpea, clover, cold, drought, flooding, heat, lotus, osmotic stress, salinity, thermal stress.

F&PB related publications: Signorelli et al. 2013b, Signorelli et al. 2013c, Signorelli et al. 2016, Signorelli 2016, Calzadilla et al. 2016, Signorelli et al. 2019a, Signorelli et al. 2019b, Signorelli et al. 2019c, Janse van Rensburg et al. 2019, Forlani et al. (2019); Casaretto et al. (2021); Signorelli et al. (2021); de la Cruz-Jimenez et al. (2021); Oh et al. (2021); Calzadilla et al. (2022); Tarkowski et al. (2022); Ivanova et al. (2022); Furlan et al. (2022); Berriel et al. (2022); Signorelli (2022).

Plant-microbe interactions

Plants are continuously interacting with different microbes in their natural environment. Some of them trigger biotic stress while others can establish a beneficial interaction (symbiosis). The legume-rhizobia symbiosis allow plants to fixate atmospheric nitrogen, an essential process for food production and sustainability. This research line aims to understand the signaling pathways and molecular mechanism determining the plant-microbe interaction, both in the legume-rhizobia symbiosis and between crops and pathogens.

Keywords: Alfalfa, BNF, biotic stress, clover, GABA, legumes, lotus japonicus, lotus corniculatus and rhizobia.

F&PB related publications: Signorelli et al. 2019b, Janse van Rensburg et al. 2019, Tartaglia et al. 2019, Tabares-da Rosa et al. 2019, Tarkowski et al. 2020, Signorelli et al. 2020b; Meitha K et al. (2022); Berais-Rubio A et al. (2022); Meitha K et al. (2023); Morel-Revetria MA et al. (2023).

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